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The adage goes, “You can’t teach an old dog new tricks,” but there’s nothing “old” about robotic dogs. 

Recently, two of the most iconic faces at our Utah data center, our Boston Dynamics Spot robotic dogs, received new AI capabilities (or learned new tricks, if you will) that help them more efficiently monitor our facility. Known at Novva as WIRE (Wes’ Industrious Robot Employees), the robots were the first of their kind to be successfully deployed for data center monitoring when they launched in 2021, and now, thanks to advances in generative AI, they’re better equipped than ever to perform daily missions and monitor visitors and equipment.


Innovative Security Integration with Spot Robotic Dogs at Novva

The history of our Spot robotic dogs goes back to the opening of our Utah facility. When we envisioned our flagship 1.5 million square foot state-of-the-art data center in Utah, our team sought a tech-savvy way to monitor and secure the facility to safeguard critical data and equipment.

That’s when we first brought on our new futuristic employees from Boston Dynamics. Brigham Young University engineering students specially programmed the four-legged mobile and autonomous robots in tandem with our staff to monitor the data center campus. The robots arrived with advanced capabilities for walking and object avoidance already programmed. Then, software was added to use the robot’s cameras for facial and meter readings and develop its autonomous route navigation capabilities. On the hardware side, the team added a thermometer to assess the atmospheric temperature in the server rooms. From greeting guests to monitoring day-to-day functions, the dogs helped streamline our operations to save our human staff for more advanced duties.  

However, the out-of-the-box experience lacked integration tailored to Novva’s existing services and systems. We wanted to explore:

  • How recent advances in generative AI could detect potential security threats
  • Enable natural voice interactions with the robots
  • Improve security on both internal and external perimeters

We recently announced a breakthrough in these efforts through a partnership with Rightpoint, a global experience leader and Genpact company that helped Novva integrate these capabilities for enhanced operational effectiveness. 


AI Significantly Enhances Robotic Dogs’ Data Center Monitoring Capabilities

infographic explaining some of the features of a robotic dog

Overall, we tasked Rightpoint with equipping the robots with advanced security features and enabling them to engage in friendly interactions with Novva’s employees, customers and visitors through the use of generative AI. 

Programmers added voice capabilities to enhance communication with the robots, integrating microphones, speakers and text-to-audio features. Then, they incorporated large language models with OpenAI’s ChatGPT API, training the models with Novva’s company data. Finally, the robots were given unique personalities, such as a cowboy accent, to make interactions more memorable and engaging.

The upgrade also included:

  • Collaborating with various existing vendors and making changes to improve video streaming for facial recognition and license plate monitoring
  • Creating a new OpenAI ChatGPT-based service to supplement existing security systems for detecting vehicles with missing license plates
  • Integrating OpenAI’s API with existing systems for anomaly detection when the robots detect potential security threats to critical pieces of infrastructure
  • Training the robots with critical information about Novva and its data center operations
  • Designing branded skins for Novva’s robots to increase brand recognition and awareness

Not only did the Spot robots become more relatable, interactive, and engaging, but they also bolstered the safety and efficiency of Novva’s operations. These new comprehensive capabilities improved decision-making and security procedures by generating consistent data and reducing the probability of human error.


Day-to-Day Impact of Novva’s Robotic Dogs

The robots run pre-determined missions throughout the data center to collect data, monitor equipment, and report any unusual activity. With heat-sensing capabilities, the robots can also alert staff to any equipment abnormalities. The robots offer continuous surveillance and can navigate complex environments that are challenging for humans or static systems to monitor effectively. This consistent monitoring addresses a critical niche in the market for advanced security measures, which are particularly crucial in the data center industry for data protection. 

The robots’ integration with Novva’s security database also allows the robots to scan visitors’ faces and check them against the company’s list of authorized personnel. Recognized visitors are greeted by name via a generated audio file. GPS marks unrecognized visitors’ locations, and their pictures are sent to the control center for further action. 

These new comprehensive capabilities improved decision-making and security procedures by generating consistent data and reducing the probability of human error.

Additional unique features:

  • With generative AI, the Spot robots can detect and notify Novva employees of potential security threats. Using conversational AI, the robots can also have natural conversations with people and provide information about the facilities
  • Sophisticated integration and optimization of predefined autonomous routes allow Spot robots to identify and report on vehicles in Novva’s parking lots, along with alerting security when vehicles are seen without front or rear license plates, enhancing situational awareness for security investigations
  • Facial recognition features allow the robots to greet employees and registered visitors by their first name, establishing trust and creating a personalized experience
  • Even robots need a break from time to time: designed branding and choreographed dance moves for the robots to perform on command to create a more enjoyable workplace for both people and machines


Stay tuned for more information on the development of our robotic dog fleet, and in the meantime, you can read more about WIRE in this Data Center Dynamics article.